Startseite Gruppen "Indian Tigers"


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The travel speed

Travel speed formula : x/y * 100 = t, t = time in minutes, x = traveled distance in miles, y = speed of the soldier

Example 1. Halberdier (speed 19), distance 10 miles: 10/19 * 100 = 52 min


Speed of the horses increase every 10 miles by the given number. For example lvl 1 stables with coins increase the speed by 6%/10 miles = 0,6%/1 mile.

Example 2. Distance to target 37 miles, the slowest moving object determines your speed. If it was ladders in this attack: 1) 3,7*6 = 22,2%

Speed of your ladders would be 2) 15*1,222 = 18,3

Travel time with horses: 3) 37/18,3 * 100 = 202 min = 3h 22 min
Travel time without horses: 37/15 * 100 = 246 min = 4h 6 min

lvl 3 stables with coins? 37/(15*(1+ 3,7*13/100)) * 100 = 166 min = 2h 46 min

Example 3. 300 miles with wolves (speed 50)?

without horses: 300/50*100 = 600 mins = 10h
lvl 1 stables with coins: 300/(50*(1+30*6/100)) * 100 = 214 min = 3h 34 min
lvl 3 stables with coins: 300/(50*(1+30*13/100)) * 100 = 122 = 2h 2 min

(I used a shortcut formula on example 3. You dont have to do it like that. You can just follow the formula 1) then do 2) and then 3) to know your travel time)

Edit. You add support speed and commander speed before horses:

Example 4. Veteran spearmen (speed 26 before upgrade), +290% support speed from alliance, +50% speed from commander

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