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Experience Points not being added to my total

Deb140 (US1)Deb140 (US1) US1 Posts: 50
edited 11.09.2016 in Bugs

Some XP's get added to total but many times they don't.  Money bag blue stars (XP) generally don't. The last time I leveled up the XP's weren't added.

Post edited by WascallyWabbit (FormerMod) on


  • Deb140 (US1)Deb140 (US1) US1 Posts: 50

    Some XP's get added to total but many times they don't.  Money bag blue stars (XP) generally don't. The last time I leveled up the XP's weren't added.

    Hi, Still having problems with XP's not being added to my total.  I haven't received experience points from my daily prize (when it's XP's) for quite a while now.  Started with XP's in money bags and now my daily prize (XP's). 

    Thanks....just wanted to update problem

  • @Deb140 (US1) It is not always easy to see for certain that XP (and some other things) have not been credited, because quite often they are added as soon as an action happens & not when you click the button saying "I want it". It can also happen that it does get credited but there is a display glitch & the new total is not showing. In this case, reloading the game (CTRL+F5) should make the updated total show.

    If you could try to document this issue, it would be a big help. For example, take a screenshot of your XP before you are about to level up or collect some bubbles etc Then make a note of how much XP you should have earned & take another screenshot of your total. Reload the game to check if the display changes & post your description & screenshots showing that there is indeed a bug. Thankyou :)
  • Deb140 (US1)Deb140 (US1) US1 Posts: 50
    :) Thank you for your suggestions; I will do that.  I have written the number of xp down before and it didn't add on; but like you said it could be a glitch.  Thank you; i'll let you know how it goes. 
  • Some XP's get added to total but many times they don't.  Money bag blue stars (XP) generally don't. The last time I leveled up the XP's weren't added.

    i'm having the same problem, also the workers' money bags
  • Dara (SKN1)Dara (SKN1) SKN1 Posts: 2,638
    I didn't got any xp from anything. Not from mill, not from silo and so on. I think it has something to do with that "harvesting-bug"......... 
  • bdreish (GB1)bdreish (GB1) GB1 Posts: 1,341
    No XP being given here either, not even from the dog,  and selling crops from inventory (roses, sunflowers etc) not giving any cash.  Sold all my roses to make some cash to buy crops so I could activate mill - was trying to finish camping event - but nothing doing.
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