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  • Buna seara! Voi incerca sa traduc toate aceste elemente intr-un limbaj care sa fie pe intelesul tuturor participantilor la joc. 1. Problema NU este de la GGS de data asta....cand la ei sunt probleme, apar buguri, functionari anormale si ptr a le corecta sau actualiza jocul (care este pana la urma un soft) se pune un…
  • Nice job Byron, I'm really impressed. I hardly wait to have news from you when you will make the first sushi plate and tell us how many seaweed you will receive. Now you have unlocked the Mahi Mahi in lemon juice which is a great one in terms of dollars revenue. Enjoy! Good luck!
  • Thank you Jiesta, for your appreciation. I think the game doesn't belong to a player or to a coop.... the game belongs to all of us... to all of the players ...and nobody should steal the pleasure of the game by monopolizing a certain feature of the game with huge amount of money involved. I think any one, with a…
  • Hy guys, You know....every body is wright from it's own point of view. I will try to be as objective as possible this time. I am also, currently at level 40. Let's take a look at this numbers: Level 37 to 38 requires 192300 pts. Level 38 to 39 requires 204300 pts. , so more with 12000 pts. Level 39 to 40 requires 216300…
  • Ca tot a inceput multe ori cea mai mare problema la o astfel de ferma temporara (dupa dolari) este ingrasamantul. Am remarcat la multi jucatori de multe ori ca isi pun livezi la nivel 1 sau 2 si le dau drumul asa. Nu o mai faceti ca stricati ingrasmantul degeaba. La nivel 2, productia e cu 50% mai mare ca la…
  • Deci cum sa pescuim 29 de minute continuu in balta pana la repopulare si balta sa NU intre in cool-down? Foarte luam niste momeala la noi in balta ...dupa ce pescuim si pestele 12, NU iesim din balta....altfel balta intra in cool-down pana cand se fac 29 minute de cand ati pescuit primul peste. Dupa ce am prins…
  • S-au cerut trucuri si chestii invizibile....atunci din astea sa fie pentru toata comunitatea. Nu o fac pentru premii ci o fac pentru ca imi place aceasta initiativa de a ajuta... deci..ramanem la pescuit... In momentul cand intrati in oricare din cele 3 balti de pe cele 3 ferme permanente (rau pe f1, lac pe f2 si mare pe…
  • Fiecare peste generat cu ajutorul momelii si apoi capturat, are o greutate FIXA exprimata in kilograme (exemplu stiuca - 10 kg, porcul de mare - 9kg sau sturionul 116 kg). In momentul cand inchiriati o barca si mergeti personal la pescuit, trebuie sa aveti in vedere ca greutatea pestilor din acea balta ese variabila (ex un…
  • Hy guys! Please,...use your head and don't accuse what you don't understand. The only "little problem" is that there is no start button, but in rest, this time GGS really made a superb job: coherent, logical and really fun. Let me explain you how it's work. Unlike the mess of the last year, when you had to put cherries for…
  • Hy ! This event sounds amazing, I am truly delighted...and I love the new deco's...BUT as always there is a BUT!! Why GGS can't do just for once the things perfect?? I've read here the official announcement, I went on the Spanish forum too, then to the French one, and all of them say that the deco's will have a dimension…
  • Very nice and interesting update... I've already informed my coop colleges about this, reading the Spanish forum :pensive: And of course, we have two big questions: 1. How much will cost the extra slot ???? (gold, dollars?) colleges were mega happy when I told them but then...I spoiled a bit their happiness with this…
  • The Candy Farm factory is 10 times mores expensive in dollars consumption than the tropical bar for example If you have production costs around -52% To produce a flip is cost you approximately 250.000 $ If you have books level 2 you will receive 102 units*6500 = 663000 shells 3 fruity flips mean 663000*3 = 1989000…
  • The idea is fabulous. I hope you have some special prizes for some very original and unique posts and information. The tool boxes do not drop random like the collectibles. They are a fix result of your activity in the main farm. The production sections that contribute to this are: the silo, the composer, the pigs, the cows…
  • Oh, so then I imagine that once you complete a product by your self, that radio button below the product will disappear or will be deactivated? Thanks for the answer Latten!
  • Nice update, But I have a question...It sais that we can switch between products until the contract is finished....What happens if for example, at a 4 products contract, let's say apples, cabbage, almonds and honey cream, I want to boost the honey cream because it's the most expensive product and I check this option. Mean…
  • Copacul Rosu mi se pare un premiu foarte bun insa el este gandit de dezvoltatori nu ca un premiu musai ci ca o metoda de a combate mercenarismul, care cel putin la noi pe server daca nu si pe altele devenise o moda!! O moda care afecta si strica jocul! Acum te duci intr-o coop sa iei locul 1...daca pleci de acolo..lasi…
  • Ye, but this small update brought another bug! The manual for cows does not apply to tropical cow shed or to candy cow shed
  • Hy guys! I am totally disappointed about the way in which the decoration for this horse championship has been adjusted in the last few days. Last week I went to the 32 floor of the decoration tower and I was very happy. I saw a new 4*6 decoration, that I supposed it will be the reward for the next season. But that…
  • Thanks you RWS, tracey40 and Pingo4 for the posts. Personally the highest price that I ever payed for a horse from the market was 2700 gold. I like to produce good horses. My best horse has 707. Now the interesting part in all of this is what breeding effects you can generate at breeding because the randomness of the…