Home Roseofsharon (US1) Comments

Roseofsharon (US1)

Roseofsharon (US1)
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  • I too as a christian who cares about what I feed my heart ,mind, body and soul have been offended by all of the darkness this game has introduced, I will be leaving to go and find something more positive, light and uplifting! I definitely don't need any more darkness in my life, the world has enough darkness as it is.…
  • Oh yea, the title was "Choose your reward"
  • Why can't I move on without excepting a reward, I don't want either of the rewards offered, I thought very creepy! I tried logging out and back in and the stupid pop up comes right up, and will not allow me to move on without clicking on The infamous "I want it" tab! But I don't want it. And I like a little control over…
  • Thanks for filling me in, I guess I won't be playing any of those again! ; ) I had tried to find out about the cash from my sell before selling so much, but couldn't find the answers easily, so I thought it was a glitch so I sold even more before realizing the cash wasn't being made available! Very Misleading for Newbies…
  • ??? So I can't have the monies from what I sold?? I sold a lot of stuff I had produced, I should have had enough to get going again!!!??? I shouldn't have to take money from my main farm. : ( I will most definitely not be playing the Candy farm again, this is suppose to be fun, not confusing and frustrating, life is hard…
  • Can anyone tell me where my money went to on my candy farm when I sold off my produce etc.... I needed to raise some money so I sold off almost everything and the monies were nowhere to be found and my produce and candies I made are just gone!???? Crazy! Now I'm broke and can't do anything!!!!! : (
  • Where could I find an American Flag? I Would buy one if I had to, but I see that is not an option. It sure would be cool if we could all display the flag from our individual countries!